
Beliefs Regarding Amaanat And Khilaafat

The subject regarding Amaanat and Khilaafat, although it is not an integral part of the Deen, but since there exists many excesses in this matter by the Rawaafidh and Bid`atees, the Ulama of the Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat, have decided to include it as part of the discussion of Ilmul Kalaam, so that the truth and fact of this matter become clear, and there remain a clear distinction between the Ahle Sunnat and Ahle Bid`at.

Aqeeda # 16

It is Waajib upon the Muslims that they elect and follow as an Ameer and leader that person who excels in Deeni, worldly, and political matters.

The reason is that the Muslims be united in the Shariah and so that the Laws and limits of the Shariah be carried out and the borders of the Islaamic government be safeguarded and protected. He can also prepare an army in order to fight the kuffaar. Also, so that arrangements can be made for the smooth operation of the country, in so far as a justice system, prisons, looking after the widows, etc.

All this cannot be properly executed without an Ameer or king. Hence it is obvious that it is Fardh to elect an Ameer, so that the Muslims be protected in so far as their Deeni and worldly matters are concerned.

This was the first thing that the Sahaabah attended to after the demise of Rasulullaah (sallAllaahu alaihi wasallam), when they elected Hadhrat Abu Bakr Siddique (radhiAllaahu anhu), in order to safeguard the Muslim's Deeni and worldly affairs. If it was not Fardh to appoint an Ameer, then the Sahaabah would not have given preference to this matter after the demise of Rasulullaah (SallAllaahu alaihi wasalam). The Ijma of the Sahaabah is one great and solid proof, after which no other proof is required.